Friday, June 27, 2008

Deserializing JSON to Haskell Data objects

Since last week I found a few other posts and libraries on the subject of JSON serialization and deserialization: here and here for example. Nonetheless I've continued on my own path, since the best way of learning is doing. It took me a while to figure out how to reconstruct a Haskell object, and I've only got some limited functionnality to work, but it works. I looked into the source code for gread for clues, I have to say.

So what we want is simple enough:

jsonToObj :: forall a. Data a => JSON.Value -> a

Given a JSON value we want an haskell object, and hopefully the type will match... OK, I'm a bit terse on the error handling side of things at the moment!
(Note: for the code to work you need to import: Control.Monad.State, Data.Generics, Data.List, qualified Data.Map as M, Data.Maybe)

It's simple enough for Strings and Bools:

jsonToObj (JSON.String s)=fromJust $ cast s
jsonToObj (JSON.Bool b)=fromJust $ cast b

Of course, if you expected a Foo and parse a JSON.String, this will fail(The cast return a Maybe). You have to cast since the signature doesn't force Strings or Bools, only Data.

For other types of objects (including numbers, because cast doesn't perform number conversion I found) it's a bit more complicated. Basically we have to figure out the type we want, find a constructor to build an instance of that type, and pass to that constructors proper values from the JSON object.
To find the type we want, I use funny code find in gread:

myDataType = dataTypeOf (getArg getType)
getArg :: a' -> a'
getArg = undefined
getType :: a
getType = undefined

This create a dummy function returning my type, and a dummy function returning what it gets as parameter. They don't need to be implemented, the compiler only cares about the type.

The meat of the function, that decides what constructor to invoke and what data to useas constructor parameter is a bit more involved:
(values,cons)=case x of
JSON.Object m -> let
c=indexConstr myDataType 1
in ((map (\x->fromJust $ M.lookup x m) (constrFields c)),c)
JSON.Number fl -> ([],if isPrefixOf "Prelude.Int" (dataTypeName myDataType)
then mkIntConstr myDataType (round fl)
else mkFloatConstr myDataType fl)
JSON.Array [] -> ([],indexConstr myDataType 1)
JSON.Array (x:xs) -> ([x,(JSON.Array xs)],indexConstr myDataType 2)

This snippet calculates the objects to iterator over and the constructor index to use. There's a bit a hand waving there: for objects we will take the first construtor we defined (I'll implement multiple constructor support later), and the JSON values it contains in the map. We just ensure we get the values in the order the fields are defined (given by the constrFields function). For number we use the int constructor if our result type looks like an int, otherwise we use the float constructor. There is probably a better way to construct a number from a Double, but I still need to find it. For the moment we look if the type name starts with "Prelude.Int", which is arguably not very Haskelly. For Arrays, we need to recreate the (head,rest) tuple that gave me trouble when serializing, so we deal first with the head of the list, and put the rest afterwards. The empty list is the first constructor, a non empty the second.

Then to actually create the object we pass the values inside a State monad:
State f=(fromConstrM (State (\(x:xs) -> (jsonToObj x,xs))) cons)

For the list of values we convert the head from json and keep the rest as state. This simple line was the result of intense thinking, I implemented my own State monad first to really understand what I needed to do and then figured out that the State monad did the exact same thing. The final working code is always shorter that all the previous failed attempts!
We then only need to call the State function with the values we calculated earlier, and that give us our full code:

jsonToObj x=
fst $ f values
getArg :: a' -> a'
getArg = undefined
getType :: a
getType = undefined
myDataType = dataTypeOf (getArg getType)
(values,cons)=case x of
JSON.Object m -> let
c=indexConstr myDataType 1
in ((map (\x->fromJust $ M.lookup x m) (constrFields c)),c)
JSON.Number fl -> ([],if isPrefixOf "Prelude.Int" (dataTypeName myDataType)
then mkIntConstr myDataType (round fl)
else mkFloatConstr myDataType fl)
JSON.Array [] -> ([],indexConstr myDataType 1)
JSON.Array (x:xs) -> ([x,(JSON.Array xs)],indexConstr myDataType 2)
State f=(fromConstrM (State (\(x:xs) -> (jsonToObj x,xs))) cons)

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