Friday, July 11, 2008

instance Data Map where -- half done!

While testing my JSON serializer/deserializer, I made the (unpleasant) discovery that some standard structures (most notable Data.Map.Map) do not implement all of Data.Generics.Data interface. They just call error on things like toConstr and gunfold. Which is not good, since I use these methods. Why they can't just pretend that a Map K v is for generics a map of (k,v) I don't understand (they implement gfoldl that way), but hey, I'm only a humble learner of Haskell...

So I spent a few hours trying to modify my JSON code to work around this issue, to no avail (well I can get the serialization all right, but the deserialization seems to be tricky). So I've got another approach to work: since the default for Data instances is not right when your objects contains Map structures, lets rewrite these... Using the source for Data.Map and the documentation for Data.Generics.Data, I managed to get it to work, but of course the price is loads (loads, loads) of boilerplate code.

So here goes: I have the simple object: (assume import qualified Data.Map as M)

data MapObjF=MapObjF (M.Map String Int) String
deriving (Eq,Typeable,Show)

So MapObjF contains a Map String Integer and a String

And here's the Data instance definition (big breath):

instance Data MapObjF where
gfoldl k z (MapObjF m s) = k (k (z (MapObjF . M.fromList)) (M.toList m)) s
gunfold k z _ = k (k (z (MapObjF . M.fromList)))
toConstr (MapObjF _ _) = con_MapObjF
dataTypeOf _ = ty_MapObjF

con_MapObjF = mkConstr ty_MapObjF "MapObjF" [] Prefix
ty_MapObjF = mkDataType "MyModule.MapObjF" [con_MapObjF]

I define the constructor, the datatype, and implement gfoldl and gunfold transforming the map into a list of tuples. Of course if you have several constructors, loads of fields it soon becomes unwieldy. Now, is there a Haskell macro system so I can easily generate all that boilerplate for all my data types? Noooo I don't want to leave Haskell for LISP...

1 comment:

Jedaï said...

There is Template Haskell which allows to generate code at compile time. That's used in solution like Derive by Neil Mitchell.
