Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Using GHCi History in the EclipseFP Debugger

I've been asked if the EclipseFP debugger could provide stack traces. Links to great presentations about the subject were even presented! Simon Marlow's explanation of what can be done now regarding stack traces was great, but doesn't solve my problem: the debugging session in EclipseFP uses the GHCi debugger, basically sending GHCi commands and parsing the ouput, and Simon's new solutions require -prof flags, and hence don't work with GHCi.
For the time being I've done something that is not stack traces, but can provide some context when debugging, using the GHCi history. If when invoking a function in GHCi function, you start with :trace, then the :hist command gives you the last 50 evaluation steps. EclipseFP now calls :hist automatically on reaching a breakpoint and parses its output. It represents them as stack frames in the debug view, even that's not what they are. This way, clicking on them opens and select the relevant code, so hopefully you can get an idea of where you are and what you code is doing.
A screenshot showing the history on the program given as an example in the debugging article of the Monad Reader (PDF warning!):

This will be part of the EclipseFP 2.3.2 release, hopefully this will be helpful to some.

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