Friday, March 30, 2012

EclipseFP 2.2.4 released

I can't believe I've managed to keep the rhythm again, but a month after 2.2.3, here's 2.2.4! It's another minor release featuring:
- task tags: TODO, FIXME, etc in source code translate to task tags. This is configurable.
- GTK wizard: creates a new executable with the default sample GTK code and GTK dependency.
- Documentation generation goes through cabal haddock: less hassle, more power.
- You can now configure extra cabal parameters for your projects. For example, you can add more include and library directories that are specific to your install without modifying the cabal file.
- Hopefully better content assist: using the power of scion-browser to be able to provide more and better auto complete proposals.
- Better handling of related projects (for declaration resolution, breakpoint resolution, etc).

There are also a few bug fixes in there of course. Thanks to everybody for their feedback! Buildwrapper and scion-browser have had minor releases too.

I haven't yet started the big addition that would be a workspace wide embedded database to be able to do Haskell-sensitive searches and replace, but I've though about it, so I have a good idea on how I'm going to attack that. Hopefully for a 2.3.0!

The full release notes can be found here. As usual, to install, just point your Eclipse update UI to 

New to eclipseFP? Check out the web site, and there's documentation inside Eclipse too...

Happy Haskell Hacking with EclipseFP!

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