Tuesday, February 05, 2013

EclipseFP and performance

OK, ok, performance in EclipseFP could be better. I'll try to present a bit the challenges and why things are the way they are.

You see, EclipseFP used scion for a while, and scion was a long running process, which ended up eating loads of memory, and had a few issues due to the GHC API maintaining state and not releasing memory (I've written about this elsewhere). So I rewrote the whole Haskell backend with BuildWrapper, and I took opposite approach: BuildWrapper is an short-lived executable. You start BuildWrapper with some parameters, it does its stuff and outputs some JSON answer. And that's fine for a lot of operations. But people have started to complain that when they edit a source file, the feedback loop is quite slow, and they keep seeing that the synchronization job keeps on running all the time. That's because every time Eclipse says that the editor has changed (not every keystroke, luckily), EclipseFP goes back to BuildWrapper to analyze the source. So it fires the BuildWrapper executable (and only this can be slow if you have an over zealous anti virus running), which in turn builds up a GHC session, analyses the AST, writes it to JSON, and tears everything down. For small projects and fast machines, this is acceptable. But I eat my own dogfood, of course, and when working on BuildWrapper itself, I noticed things could be too slow for comfort. Sometimes it would take 4 seconds to analyze completely a file.

So I went the middle route. I create another command in BuildWrapper that makes the executable stay around and listen for more commands. More specifically, there is now a long running build command, that can repeatedly analyze a file while staying in the GHC session. It won't have the same issues as the long running scion because it's tied to the file you're editing. When you close the file in Eclipse, the executable dies. When you change something in the Cabal file, the executable restarts to it can take into account new modules, flags or dependencies. The synchronization job now runs in something like a quarter of the time, and even faster.

I believe we have a happy medium: most operations are short-lived and we don't need to worry about memory usage or stray processes, but where performance matters (when you're in the flow and writing Haskell and don't want to wait for the editor to catch up) we have a long running process that's efficient, but not too persistent.

This will be part of the upcoming 2.5.0 release of EclipseFP. Of course people are welcome to get the source and test it for themselves before the official release!

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